50 Miles of Elbow Room

June 21, 2018 Vastness and elbow room for all There is an old gospel song that Iris Dement sings that talks about heaven having “50 miles of elbow room on either side to spare, and there’s room for you and room for me”. The south west of our country certainly has room to spare. On one hand I get somewhat bored with the arid, dry, ready-to-burn-at-the-slightest-spark, deserts that go on and on for miles. On the other hand, some of our fellow Americans live with the most incredible scenery of majestic rocks and “purple mountains majesty” in wide open spaces and I can see why they would feel cramped and crowded in the east or in cities. We have driven through many towns that you can about see the whole thing in a few minutes because there are no buildings over 2 stories tall, few trees, and the land is flat. I am guessing if you live in a town like that you kind of know everyone there after a bit? In Richmond, I can go shopping or walking for months on end wit...