They killed Indians and we broke the bed

April 29, 2018 All of our traveling through Florida, Texas, and New Mexico has reminded us of the horrible way the white settlers in the 1800’s treated the native Indians. Fort Stanton in New Mexico is a place that was established especially for helping the local white settlers protect themselves as they took over lands that the Mescalero Apaches had lived in for thousands of years. Officer's barracks Sunday afternoon we visited Fort Stanton and found its history fascinating. First it was a military post (Kit Carson, Black Jack Pershing, Billy the Kid) -to kill the local Indians who were threatening the white settlers - and then it was a TB hospital for Maritime Marines - when the only treatment we had for TB was fresh air. Then it became a mental health facility, then a low security correctional facility for women, and finally it became a State Monument. I tried to imagine being a nurse there for TB patients. I loved seeing the nurses quarters. Aside...