Gators and a new hero

Good friends “I could do this the rest of my life”, says Steve, as we ride our bikes around Everglade City, Florida. The sky is blue, the temperature is in the upper 70’s, the scenery is green and lush, and we have no deadlines. And for Steve, who has worked so hard to get the RV and car ready for this trip, it finally feels like we have begun this trip we have thought about for so long. We had a wonderful time with Carol and Jerry and Brenda and Thurman, even though neither of us could ever manage a win at the Mexican train dominos we enjoyed every night. We went with them to Solomon’s Castle, a strange but fascinating place where a man took all manner of junk—like oil cans, vegetable processers, ball bearings, etc. – and made art out of it. Mr. Solomon also lost faith in the stock market and invested in refurbished cars all made before 1935- the year he was born. We enjoyed seeing all of it and having a lunch in the “Boat in the Moat”. We also saw Tampa Bay...