Life Can Turn on a Dime

Life can turn on a dime- This photo was taken here in the park by Tom Bauer the night of the Super Moon. We were supposed to fly to Virginia 2 weeks ago and see two of my kids and 4 grandchildren. We were supposed to go to the Washington Nationals home opener and stay with good friends in Richmond. We were supposed to have some doctor visits. I was going to color Easter eggs with Lexi and Chase and Polette and Garvey, have long talks with Greta and Peter, and have dinner with old friends. We were supposed to leave for Alaska this week. We were supposed to…. The novel corona virus happened. Suddenly there is nothing certain. We have no plans beyond the present. We think about our own deaths more and long to see and hug our loved ones. I call my kids when I need to hear their voices. I did Zoom meetings with my sisters one week and a brother and sister-in-law joined us the next week. I do not get bored. As long as there is internet and books, I can always find int...