Going to the Sun

I was happy to be seeing Montana for the first time. I truly understand why it is called Big Sky country. It all just seems so BIG. Not only the sky, but the mountains, the ranches, the space.... Again, I thought of the song "Fifty Miles of Elbow Room" by Iris Dement. I get it- the attraction for people who just want to be left alone, who don't care if they see no one else for days and days, for people who need space and time between friends and family -HA! Steve had parked along the Gallatin River and the day after I arrived we took a long ride down a gravel road to the Hyalite Creek Trails to see a waterfall and more mountains. That was July 28th. The next day we got a call from Joel. I thought that I was done leaving Steve until mid- August when I was to fly to Haiti with Jane to orient her to our Haitian staff and programs. But life is uncertain and fragile. We knew my youngest son Joel and and his wife, ...