Old Tree Huggers

"I think that I shall never see a poem as lovely as a tree." Joyce Wilmer Trying to hug a tree I love trees. There's something about them that makes me feel grounded, content, secure. I grew up on a 365 acre farm in mid-Ohio that Dad bought from his father in about 1954 for $25,000. About 75 acres of that were "woods" and a creek that had a swimming pool where it made a turn in the woods. Whether we were catching tadpoles, rock skipping, swinging on a grapevine, or wading on hot days, we were in trees. There were 3 maple trees in the front yard that the electric company trimmed to keep their lines clear and up in the middle of one of them was a flat place where they had lopped off a large branch where I set my tea set and talked to my imaginary guests. A place that feels like home For several weeks we have walked among massive and beautiful trees. Miles of the coast of California is unspoiled forest and roads that go throug...