Is there anything good in Alabama?

The beach at Gulf Shores, Alabama in January Somehow, over the years, I have developed a prejudice against Alabama. I had never done anything but drive through it and had no first-hand experience of any kind as a base for my prejudice. But you have heard the stories that I have: This is the state where Rosa Parks was arrested for taking a front seat on a bus. This is the state where there were 3 bombings in 11 days in protest of the federal order to integrate schools. And four little girls were killed at church in one of those bombings. This is the state where "Bloody Sunday" happened and the march on Selma and where hate has been legal for years. This is a state where Martin Luther King was jailed and where the KKK still exists. It's no wonder I have had a bad impression of this state. I wanted to give Alabama a chance. After all, they did elect Doug Jones over Roy Moore. But the day we drove into Alabama, I saw a garage door painted lik...