Catching up since we came down

The problem with waiting a long time to blog again is that I have to go back so far. Not blogging has not felt right but I've had writer's block ever since leaving Maine. More about the reasons for that in a later blog.... For now I will just catch you up on the last 2 months including the blog I started several weeks ago. December 2, 2018 We had more than a month in the Ashland, Virginia RV park- a place where the noise of I-95 is horrid unless you are indoors. We had lovely mornings of waking late in the RV, drinking coffee in front of the fireplace and listening to Steve’s sweet music.. Weekends were full with visiting grandchildren in Leesburg and sailing with friends in Weems on the Northern Neck. We got to see some friends we had not seen since leaving. One week we spent a lot of time with members of our staff in Haiti who came to Richmond for the annual Board retreat. Steve took Mario, our Program Manager, to the Smithsonian and to see t...